NoCopyrightSounds Wiki

Hi, welcome to the NoCopyrightSounds Wiki!
Be sure to read and the Rules and Regulations before editing.


NoCopyrightSounds Wiki
Policy-icon  This page documents an official NoCopyrightSounds Wiki policy. It describes a widely accepted standard that all editors should follow. Changes made to it should reflect consensus.

The rules and regulations listed below are expected to be followed by all editors.


Listed in this section are the rules for this wiki. All rules are expected to be followed. The punishment for each rule is entirely at the administrator/moderator's discretion, but you should never be punished unfairly. If you feel you've been punished unfairly, contact PotionVibes on Discord.

Note: If something is not listed on here, it does not always mean you are allowed to do it. Please use common sense before doing something.



  • You must be 13 years or older to edit this wiki. Being underage is against Fandom's TOS, and against our wiki policies.

If you are found being under 13 years of age, you will be blocked from interacting with the wiki until you are 13 years of age. If you say you are underage/under 13 years of age (even if it is meant to be a joke), we will take your word for it.


  • Spam will not be tolerated. Spamming includes, but is not limited to, these sections:
    • Article talk pages/comments
    • User message walls
    • Blog comments
    • Forum threads

Unnecessary rudeness

  • Any excessive rudeness or trash-talk about a particular song or artist will result in the message getting deleted. If you want to state your opinions about a track or artist, please do it in a polite and mature way.
    • Continued rudeness will result in a block that can increase in timespan if there is failure to behave.

Vulgar language/profanity

  • Vulgar language/profanity is not allowed in general wiki pages, or excessively in page comments/user messages, or discussion posts, especially in a negative way.

An exception is profanity in song's lyrics.

Harassing Users

  • Any threats or insults directed at any person(s) on this wiki will not be tolerated.

If someone is harassing you, do not harass them back. Instead, tell an administrator.


Edit Warring

  • Edit warring will not be tolerated on this wiki.

If someone is edit warring with you, tell an administrator about the problem. Do not antagonize the war by continuing to revert someone else's edits.

Biased Content

  • When you're editing a page, keep the content of it unbiased. This means edit a page with a neutral point of view. Do not try to direct praise or favor, or negativity for a particular song or artist.

Plagiarized Content

  • Do not plagiarize, or copy word for word, from another website or wiki. If you need to use content from another site or wiki, paraphrase the content before addition. Any plagiarized content will be removed from the wiki, and repeated violations may be met with sanctions.


  • Vandalism is strictly prohibited on this wiki. Causing damage to a page may result in a permanent block. Tell an administrator about any vandalism or trolling immediately.

Edit Summaries

  • Use edit summaries the way they are intended, i.e. describe or summarize what your edit changed. Do not put unrelated text in the edit summary. Repeatedly putting unrelated text in edit summaries may be considered as spam, and thus be treated as such.

User Pages

  • Do not edit other's userpages without first asking them if you are allowed to, or notifying them about what you've changed. Any edits to other's userpages without first asking them or notifying them will be reverted, and repeated violations may result in a block.
User Message Walls
  • If an administrator warns you about your action(s), you are not allowed to delete the warning message unless you have resolved the issue with the staff member who left you the message. Deleting the message without a resolution is a form of ignorance and will be treated as such, regardless of if you had acknowledged the message.

Special Cases


Disrespect of staff while staff are using reasonable conduct is grounds for a block. All claims of staff misconduct need to be taken to PotionVibes.


  • Sockpuppeting is against the FANDOM policy, as well as the NoCopyrightSounds wiki policy.

If you are already blocked and use a sockpuppet to evade the block, your sockpuppet (as well as your original account) will be blocked indefinitely.


Regulations are similar to rules, meaning they should be followed, but the resulting punishment for not following them should under most cases result in no more than a warning.


Spelling and Grammar

  • Correct spelling and grammar must be used in edits. It is your responsibility to make sure all spelling and grammar is correct before clicking the "Publish" button. If you do not use correct spelling and grammar and notice your mistake, make sure to go back and fix it. Make good use of the "Preview" button!

Article Comments

  • Article comments must be kept relevant to the article! Use the Discuss page if you would like to say something off-topic from the focus of the wiki.