NoCopyrightSounds Wiki

Hi, welcome to the NoCopyrightSounds Wiki!
Be sure to read and the Rules and Regulations before editing.


NoCopyrightSounds Wiki

This lists the current Wiki Staff users that moderate the wiki and make sure the information displayed is correct. To contact staff, leave a post on their message wall or request a member in the Wiki Discord Server.

To be a part of the wiki staff team, the user must first apply directly to an active administrator via their message wall or Discord DMs, and if approved, the administrator will create a forum post to discuss it with other wiki users.

Note that regular staff can be a discussion moderator at the same time because of the user group's permissions, e.g. a user can be both a content moderator and a discussion moderator.

All reports regarding staff members should be brought to FlippyFlippity on her message wall (only for minor issues), or preferrably Discord DMs.

Staff Roles

Badge-Bureaucrat-NCSW Bureaucrats

Bureaucrats are the leaders of the wiki and have the ability to either promote a user to any role, as well as the power to demote a user from any role (aside from other bureaucrats; they can only be demoted by Fandom staff or themselves).

DiscordHover  flippygoinginsane

Promoted on December 6, 2024

Badge-Administrator-NCSW Administrators

Administrators are trusted with the abilities of content moderators and discussions moderators, while also having additional rights of being able to block users and edit the wiki interface.


Vacant position

Badge-Content-Moderator-NCSW Content Moderators

Content Moderators are trusted users who can delete/revive pages and edit locked pages, as well as having the rights of rollbacks and some rights of discussions moderators.

DiscordHover  stardown77
Content Moderator

Promoted on March 16, 2023
DiscordHover  quipallzmeura
Content Moderator

Promoted on June 14, 2024

Badge-Thread-Moderator-NCSW Thread Moderators

Thread Moderators are separate moderators that don't have much involvement in editing, but rather moderating the community. They are capable of deleting and locking posts/comments.

Thread Moderator

Vacant position, applications open.

Badge-Rollbacker-NCSW Rollbackers

Rollbackers can be considered as the 'interns' of the staff team, having access to rolling back vandalism or unnecessary edits, and can be called the 'first step to becoming staff'.


Vacant position, applications open.